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Buzz's Business Blog

Hello, my name is Buzz. My parents named me after the second man to walk on the Moon. However, my ambition isn't to reach the moon, I am aiming for a fantastic career in business. My dad left town when I was pretty young and so I didn't see him as I was growing up. Thankfully, my uncle Bob was a great influence. Not only is he a great guy, he is also a great businessman. For the past 8 months, Bob has been offering me advice about the range of different businesses I could start. i hope you enjoy my blog.


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Buzz's Business Blog

Is Your Business Wheelchair Accessible?

by Carolyn Jordan

When it comes to running a business that caters to all customers there are some things that instantly come to mind, including fluency in different languages, braille signs for the visually impaired and easily accessible seating for the elderly. What may not spring into your head is how to take care of your wheelchair-restricted customers who make up a not-insignificant amount of Australians. A lot of the steps you can take to cater to them will also make the store more accessible for lots of other people, including those with walkers, mobility scooters and others who have a carer with them. 

Wheelchair Lifts

Simply put, if people in wheelchairs cannot get into your store, they can't browse your products. Wheelchair lifts are a simple solution to overcome stairs and other sharp inclines that prevent wheelchairs from entering premises. There are many options for wheelchair lifts that come in a variety of different price ranges, and it is not as prohibitive a cost as you might expect. This is especially important if your store gets a lot of pedestrian traffic outside that wander in on a whim. While wheelchair lifts are primarily designed with wheelchair-bound people in mind, they also help other disabled people get up tricky steps, which makes them an absolute necessity considering the hundreds of thousands who fit into that category.

Store Design

What this requirement refers to is the actual layout of your products and display units. Having extremely narrow aisles is a great way to immediately get people in wheelchairs and other mobility devices to turn around before making it past the threshold. Also, cluttered aisles are a turn-off in general, as clutter makes the store look messy rather than stocked. Try and take a minimalist approach that serves to highlight the products you do have while allowing a more easy-going browsing experience for all customers. 

Easy Viewing

Leading on from the store design is the necessity for your store to display your items in a way that is viewable for those in wheelchairs. Consider their perspective and what is viewable from a much lower eyesight level. Wider aisles help with this, as it allows a better angle for higher shelves, but also consider displays that don't go all the way to the ceiling. Or, alternatively, have catalogs with your current stock displayed in prominent places. Remember to put the most popular items in the middle shelves so that they can be seen quickly and easily by everyone who comes in.
