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Buzz's Business Blog

Hello, my name is Buzz. My parents named me after the second man to walk on the Moon. However, my ambition isn't to reach the moon, I am aiming for a fantastic career in business. My dad left town when I was pretty young and so I didn't see him as I was growing up. Thankfully, my uncle Bob was a great influence. Not only is he a great guy, he is also a great businessman. For the past 8 months, Bob has been offering me advice about the range of different businesses I could start. i hope you enjoy my blog.


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Buzz's Business Blog

How company workwear can boost your productivity

by Carolyn Jordan

How do your employees dress for work? Even if not all your employees have a customer facing role it should matter to you what they wear during the day. Here are four ways your employees clothing matters, and how introducing company workwear can help your business grow and succeed.

Workwear increases brand recognition for your business

If an employee serving a customer is wearing clothing marked with your company logo then they present a professional image to the customer but they doesn't do much to enhance brand recognition for your company since the customer is already standing on your premises. Workwear improves brand recognition simply because it is not just worn at work. Your employees need to travel to get to work, and as they commute to work, or do their shopping after work their workwear is seen by everyone around them and your company brand is noticed by a large audience.

Workwear is safer

If you allow your employees to wear their own clothing during working hours you have only minimal control over their attire. You might specify a colour or style of clothing but you won't always know whether what they are wearing is suitable for their role. By having standard company workwear you can be sure that all of your employees are dressed the same and you will know that they are wearing clothing that affords them the right level of protection whatever their job may be. Workwear means that you no longer have to worry about loose clothing getting caught in machinery, or people wearing unsuitable footwear for the environment.

Workwear builds employee engagement

Workwear isn't just about promoting your brand and keeping your employees safe. Workwear can actually play a positive role in moulding your employees into a team. One of the most common causes of low business productivity is the failure of employees to effectively co-operate. For your business to thrive it is important for your employees to understand that they are all on the same team rather than competing rivals. Workwear can play an important role in drawing your employees together. A common clothing policy creates the perception of a team and that can begin the process of building everyone into a real team that works together for success.

If you would like to discuss the workwear options available for your business then talk to your supplier today. They will be able to explain how workwear can improve productivity and help your business to grow.
